We help you to find your property boundary lines in the following cases:
To get more information for the value of this service provide us with your details in the “Request a Quote” field. Please also note that Only a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor (LCS) can provide a redefinition survey service
What is the process for boundary redefinition?
When you accept our quote, we’ll search all existing evidence including plans provided by LINZ and calculate the boundaries and ties from existing survey references to those boundaries. With all required information, we will come to your site to either find the old pegs or mark out the legal boundary corners of the site. Extra marks or pegs can also be placed along the line of any legal boundary or offset from any boundary line if required.
Do we need to be at home when you are at the site?
We are working around the boundary and you don’t need to be at home but please make sure that we have access to boundary corners; it means no dogs and no locked gates. When we finished the marking we’ll place a stake by each mark, so will find them easily.
Who is the authorised person to place the boundary pegs?
Only a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor can legally undertake cadastral surveys to redefine boundaries
How much does it cost to survey a boundary?
There are so many factors involved to estimate the cost of the survey but our fees start from $550 plus GST and disbursement for a very basic road frontage survey. Contact us now to get a free quote for your boundary survey.
How can we find boundary marks by ourselves?
First, try to find the old pegs around corner posts of the fence or old boundary disks on top of the posts, if you were not successful, talk to your neighbours, if your neighbours have identified their property lines, you could request property line information from them directly. If you were not successful and still don’t want to involve surveyors on your job, you still have this choice to carry on by your self in your free time to find the old marks.
“You’ve heard it said that the job isn’t over till the paperwork is done? In this job, the paperwork comes first. Don’t set foot outside until you have in hand every document that could help. A copy of your title and survey plan will have that information.”
Usually, each boundary on a survey plan will have a bearing and distance next to it. If your distances were on links multiply the number of links by 0.201168 to give the distance in metres.
You are now nearly ready to step into the surveyor’s shoes. I found this article “Perform Your Own Home Property Survey” helpful if you only want to find the old marks but please note that in NZ only Licensed Surveyors allowed to redefine or mark the boundaries. Contact us now to get a free quote.